
看了 妮可的夢想 一文覺得很感動,

的確, 我們現在做的都是為了以後要做的鋪路, 沒有一件事是無意義的,

我聽過不少人抱怨現在做的工作不是他們想要的, 但是在尋找自己想要的工作的同時有沒有問過自己我準備好了嗎?”

我想到去年我寫了一篇我跟一位 Microsoft Hiring Manager 的對話, 我問她: “什麼樣的人可以得到他們的 ideal jobs?”

“Kenny, the best people in their field can get their ideal jobs. This is because their expertise is recognized and they are in demand. If someone comes into an interview situation and only cares when he can start, that is a signal that they are not in demand and that is probably not someone we would be too interested in here. This goes for highly skilled types of careers. For other areas of the labor market, not requiring a depth of expertise, the person that is willing to take the job only because they need a paycheck is more of a reality. Unfortunately, I don't have the expertise in hiring for those kinds of roles.”

所以, 大家如果已經想好未來想做什麼, 請努力讓自己成為 the best person in the field ! 不論是什麼行業, 興趣最重要, 像 Microsoft 這種大公司也不希望看到面試者只對哪時可以開始上班以及年薪多少有興趣


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